Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Revolutionary Plastic Brick Guards

We've started stocking a new product - the one-piece plastic brick-guard. It stacks neatly and doesn't need separate hooks or zip-ties to attach it to the scaffold guard-rail. It really is a great innovation that saves time and lessens the hassle associated with other brick-guards, such as the awkwardness of handling and storage. It comes with an integrated toe-board clip to stop it catching the wind and flipping up. Contact us for prices on 01242 677999.

Click on the images to zoom in...

Carrying the heavy load

Since our last post, we've acquired a 26 ton crane lorry, so we're now able to handle larger loads and the crane makes on and off-loading a cinch where there's no forklift available on site (in most cases).

Thanks to everyone who suggested we get a hiab.